Perusahaan teknologi IPRT merebus teh jahe hangat untuk karyawan lini depan
27 2022.Dec

Setelah titik balik matahari musim dingin, suhu turun tajam dan hawa dingin menyeruak, Perusahaan Teknologi IPRT meluncurkan kegiatan teh jahe yang menghangatkan hati dengan tema "'Jahe' Anda Memanjakan, Temui Waktu Musim Dingin yang Baik". Biarkan karyawan garis depan merasakan kehangatan yang dibawa oleh perusahaan di musim dingin dan rasakan layanan yang hati-hati dan menghangatkan hati.

Meski angin dingin bertiup kencang, namun tidak dapat menahan langkah Perusahaan AIPRT untuk mengirimkan kepedulian, dan hawa dingin yang menggigit tidak dapat memenuhi hangatnya hati karyawan. Perusahaan mengatur personel untuk mengirimkan perawatan musim dingin dan kehangatan kepada karyawan garis depan!

Menyeduh teh jahe yang dikukus untuk karyawan garis depan dan mengirimkannya ke bengkel.

The colleagues of the administration department gave the hot ginger tea that had been brewed for 3 hours to the employees who stayed in the front-line production workshop one by one, and brought them love and condolences!

Through this is a activity, the majority of front-line workshop employees can feel the warmth in winter, so that the workshop truly becomes a happy harbor in the hearts of employees, and the winter ginger tea delivery activity will continue to be carried out in the future. Be a strong backing for employees, continue to unite the strong synergy of all the employees to fight the epidemic, ensure safety, promote production, and ensure the stability and smooth flow of the production.


The effect of the ginger tea has the effect of sweating, stopping vomiting, warming the lungs and relieving cough. For wind chills and colds with mild fever, severe chills, headaches, sore bones throughout the body, and watery nose, the drinking ginger tea can help heal colds.

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